Occupational Safety Precautions in CNC Machines

    Occupational Safety Precautions in CNC Machines

    In our country, the manufacturing sector and industrial branches are at the beginning of the areas where occupational accidents are seen the most. When the precautions to be taken about the tools and materials used in the work processes are neglected, many large and small work accidents occur. These accidents sometimes lead to loss of life. Sometimes it results in limb loss and injury. In the manufacturing sector and industrial branches, many jobs are carried out with automation systems today. CNC machines, in particular, provide significant opportunities in this context. These computer-aided systems, which reduce human intervention, raise standards in occupational health and safety. However, occupational safety in CNC machines is also an important problem. Because when the necessary precautions neglected, these machines can also lead to accidents and losses. In order to prevent such situations, it is necessary to have information about occupational safety measures in CNC machines.

    What are the Occupational Safety Standards in CNC Machines?

    Regardless of the type of CNC machine you use in your business, there are some basic occupational safety standards that you should pay attention to in these machines. Every action that complies with these standards makes CNC machines safer. As a matter of fact, although these machines largely computer-aided, some work needs to be done manually. This requires attention to occupational safety measures in CNC machines. Moreover, some errors and negligence lead to work accidents indirectly, if not directly. For example, when controlling the oil of your CNC machine, it creates a risk of leakage, slippage and fall in the environment. Or even if you use the safest CNC machines, a protective cover that you forget open creates various accident risks.

    In order to reduce such risks, you must ensure the necessary standards in the context of occupational safety measures in CNC machines. We can briefly express these standards as follows:

    • First of all, never deactivate the safety switch on CNC machines and machines. Occupational accidents and injuries caused by construction machinery reach much greater dimensions due to this incorrect application. 
    • Ensure that the emergency stop button is within reach of the operator. If more than one operator uses the machine and machine, take this precaution for each. 
    • Do not allow unauthorized persons to use any vehicles. If the operator lacks knowledge of machinery and processes, ensure that he or she receives the necessary training. 
    • Maintain your operation in a bright environment, always maintain the quality of your vision. 
    • Make sure that all moving parts of your machine and machine are enclosed in appropriate guards. And keep them up and running. 
    • If you see malfunctions or malfunctions in any part, stop working immediately. Then inform the authorized persons.
    •  Never remove the protector on the pedal on pedal-powered machines. If there is a deformation on it, provide the necessary replacement.
    •  Do all your cleaning and maintenance work after stopping your machine. In the meantime, do not forget to hang a warning sign. 
    • Avoid confusion and confusion in your work environment. Take the necessary measures to ensure that all processes proceed regularly.

    What are the Occupational Safety Precautions that CNC Machine Operators Must Follow?

    As a matter of fact, ensuring occupational health and safety in all workplaces is one of the priority issues. However, compared to the service sector, protective measures become a more critical issue in the industrial sector and production facilities. Because even the slightest negligence in these areas has serious consequences. Today, CNC machines and machines have actually reduced the impact of the human factor in many jobs. In this way, the risks of accidents and injuries naturally reduced. However, it is important to remember that the operators who use these machines are human. It is possible that even state-of-the-art CNC machines can lead to various accidents and losses due to operator errors and omissions.

    In this part of our article, we will briefly talk about protective measures for machine operators within the scope of occupational safety measures in CNC machines.

    • First of all, get to know the CNC profile machining center or other machines you use very well. If so, find out what features you don’t know. Thus, your dominance over the devices you use increases. 
    • Wear appropriate work clothes when using CNC machines. As a matter of fact, your choice of clothing should include protective elements in accordance with the nature of the work you do. 
    • Never include dangling pieces on your clothes. In the CNC system you use, it is possible to jam accessories such as scarves and scarves in the moving parts. 
    • Do not carry accessories such as necklaces, earrings, rings, key chains, wristwatches, watch chains while working. In the event of a possible accident, it is possible to experience greater losses due to these items. 
    • If your hair is long, do not release it while working. In CNC machines, mechanical parts are electrically charged under the influence of friction. If there is a problem with the grounding system, you can lose your hair to the machine. To prevent such situations, be sure to collect your hair with a net, cap or a suitable tool. 
    • Never smoke around the machine. Also, do not contain flammable liquids or objects. If your machine overheats due to a problem with the refrigeration unit, it increases the risk of fire. 
    • Never use the machine’s compressor arm or piston to remove dust from you when you’re done. These tools do not have the proper features to clean you.

    What Should Be Done to Reduce Mechanical Risks in CNC Machines?

    Depending on the type of CNC machines you use, the type of risk varies. However, when we look at it in general, it is possible to say that the most important risks in these vehicles are mechanical and chemical risks. Mechanical risks are a serious problem, especially in the context of CNC lathe occupational safety. Because cutting, drilling and forming processes in lathes are the scene of many risks. To reduce these risks, there various protective mechanisms in the operation zone where the material is processed. But the mechanisms are sometimes insufficient. In CNC machines, one should not rely too much on them in the context of occupational safety measures. In some cases, mechanical risks arise from energy-conducting parts. For example, impellers, pulleys or shafts cause electric shock.

    In addition, mechanical risks sometimes arise due to jamming in the case of automatically moving robot arms, conveyor belts and similar accents in CNC machines. In this context, it is possible to give other examples of risks. But while the risks are different, the protective measures are largely similar.

    In this part of our article, we will briefly touch on what needs to be done to reduce mechanical risks within the scope of occupational safety measures in CNC machines.

    • Make sure that the switches and control buttons are working properly on your machine and machine.
    •  If you use many machines and machines at the same time, place emergency shutdown buttons at the appropriate points. Make these buttons easy for each operator. 
    • Activate audible or light warning and warning systems for those in the vicinity of remote control systems. 
    • Make sure the connector parts have the proper air pressure. Within the scope of occupational safety measures in CNC machines, this control sometimes has vital consequences. 
    • Ensure that the bolt connections comply with the tightening torque values. 
    • Prevent slippery surfaces around the machine or countertop due to oil or coolants. 
    • Do not forget to use protective goggles and work gloves. 
    • Ensure that the operator wears steel-toed work shoes on foot pedal machines. 
    • Do not neglect cleaning and maintenance works on CNC machines. Perform all work according to legal legislation and appropriate procedures and on time.

    What Should Be Done to Reduce Chemical Risks in CNC Machines?

    Chemical risks are also an important issue in the context of occupational safety measures in CNC machines. As a matter of fact, it is possible to encounter chemical risks in many CNC machines, especially painting machines. Among these risks, the risk of chemical flash and explosion is a higher risk. Because even the contact of chemicals used in paint and similar works with a small spark leads to serious problems. If there is no explosion proof in the production facility, the risk of loss increases even more. However, even a proper occupational safety chart allows to easily notice many negligence in this context. In this context, many enterprises using CNC machines are actively working with occupational safety experts to reduce such risks.

    In general, we can say that the following methods will be useful to prevent chemical risks within the scope of occupational safety measures on CNC machines.

    • Identify and map chemical risk zones around CNC machines and machines. Place appropriate warning and warning signs in these sections.
    •  Prevent your appliances from overheating by installing a proper ventilation system.
    • Make sure the fire detection system and smoke detector are working properly. 
    • Prevent chemicals such as paints, oils, acids, etc. from splashing on you by using appropriate clothing. 
    • Prepare an explosion protection document and list the precautions. Inform operators and contacts. 
    • Create safety data sheets on chemicals. Remind yourself from time to time what a possible contact or misuse may lead to. 
    • If chemicals are spilled at any point on your CNC machine or machine, ensure that it is cleaned with the right methods and without delay. In particular, oils or fats are more difficult to clean afterwards. Moreover, the risks that these will create are also greater. 
    • Take chemical measurements on your machines and machines at regular intervals. Detect and prevent leaks, if any, early. 
    • Make sure that the warehouses where you store chemicals have proper storage conditions. Improper storage conditions also create various risks during operation.
    • When you need to carry any chemicals, use occupational safety gloves. Do not forget to use protective glasses against oil splashes.

    What are the Protective Equipment within the scope of Occupational Safety Precautions in CNC Machines?

    No matter what type of CNC machine and machine you use, it becomes safer thanks to some protective equipment. Occupational safety measures in CNC machines thus lead to more effective results. Business management can easily learn more information and solutions from occupational health and safety experts.

    In general, we can say that the most important of these equipment are:

    • Electronic switches that prevent the use of the device when its special housing is open,
    • Interlock key kits that interlock and work together,
    • Dual pedal system that restricts access to dangerous parts, 
    • Fastening or holding equipment to keep the plates to be cut on the axis, 
    • Pressure-sensitive mats and contact edges, 
    • High resistance transport and loading equipment, 
    • Other protective equipment with electronic sensing capability.

    We would like to complete this article, where we share useful information about occupational safety measures in CNC machines, with a small reminder. As Ino Machinery, we have been producing and selling CNC machines since 2010. We are constantly improving our production standards in our factory serving in Bursa Kestel. We also attach great importance to occupational safety measures in CNC machines. Ino Machinery privileges are just a step away to reach the most suitable and safest products for your needs.